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Outsource Your Photo Editing
Sign up for A New Evolve Premier Account & Get 2 Months Free
A $498 value. New Accounts only. 2 Free months will be added to the end of an annual Premier commitment.
Our Services
Editing levels to match any style or budget.
Color Correction
Color correction has different meanings to different photographers. For some, the work of color correction is a time-intensive, painstaking task involving individualized adjustments to every Lightroom slider, brush and gradient. Pair that with custom cropping for every image from your shoot and you just added hours upon hours of meaningless work to your workflow for no good reason. For others, color correction means pressing Auto Adjust and hoping for the best.
At Evolve, we believe in the value of a proof-level image. This is an image that is consistent with the other images throughout the shoot, first and foremost focused on good skin tone. With this in mind, color correction includes global adjustments with a starting point preset and individualized adjustments of Temperature, Tint, Exposure, Highlights, Shadows and Black Point within Lightroom.
It is important you DO NOT confuse color correction with stylizing an image. Those are two very different things and often confused by photographers. Color correction is about getting to a good balanced image using the Basic Panel in Lightroom. Adding textures, HSL, dodging and burning, filters, etc. – that is your final polished image and style. We have a plethora of ways and services to get you there, but that is not considered a color correction service. We can pre-apply your favorite pre-sets or we can offer one of our advanced level services like Premium Edits or Signature Edits.
PRICE: $.30/image | FREE for Premier Members*
*First 800 images per event included at no charge. Overage images invoiced at .15/image.

Deluxe Edits
Want to give your images a more polished look at a very affordable price point? The Deluxe Edit is the easiest way to give your images that polished look your clients want. The Deluxe Edit includes skin softening and custom dodging and burning. However, this is not as hands on as a Premium Edit where are editors are making more creative decisions with your images.
Deluxe Edits are best when mixed into your existing job. Photographers will typically add 5-10 per job as a way of making their images stand out from the rest.
$3/image | $2.40/image for Premier Members

Premium Edits
Want to take your images a little further, but at a more economical price point? Our Premium Edits will do just that! This style of editing includes skin softening, texture overlays, dodge and burn techniques, vignetting, black and white, and HDR applications. Our editors will look at your image and make the best decisions to give you and your imagery that special something that stands out from the crowd.
Premium Edits are best when mixed into your existing job. Photographers will typically add 5-10 per job as a way of really making their images stand out in a cost effective way.
$4/image | $3.20/image for Premier Members

Signature Edits
Signature Edits were created specifically for Sal Cincotta. Sal was looking for artwork to sell his clients. He wanted something that would stand out from the crowd and elevate his work. The Signature Edit was born! Think artwork. Think next level power editing. Think domination of your local market. Today, everyone is a photographer. It takes more than just a snapshot to impress today’s client. Let the Evolve post-production team work with you to get the most of your image.
Best of all, Sal Cincotta will be art directing your image. Sal personally views, directs and confirms every Signature Edit that comes in and out for post-production. If the image is not the right one, we will let you know that the image just isn’t right. We are looking at your image for mood, impact, connection, and a story.
$150/image | $120/image for Premier Members

Save time with Batch Services or Selection
Batch Services
Tight timelines demand a “plug and play” environment to receive files that are ready to go versus wasting valuable time in the tedious and time consuming step of prepping files. This is a problem regardless of personal workflow and can help save hours.
Eliminate wasted time by utilizing Evolve’s Batch Services. Whether it is ordering our Batch Services to simply render a job to .jpg for proofing, converting all the images to black & white or sepia, or giving your proofs an extra something special with skin smoothing, we are here to help you save time.
You can order our batch services individually or in combination with each other.
$25 | $20 for Premier Members

Send us your entire job and let us do all the work for you. With Selection Services our editors will select the best images from your job and narrow them down to whatever number of images you would like to see for your job.
Culling can be objective and simple while also being subjective and telling an intimate story. Looking for sharp images, with eyes open, and a flattering expression is only half the battle. Telling a story is where we thrive. Our team is trained to ask the question “would your client want to see this image in their preview session and ultimately purchase it?”
Plain and simple, we are selecting for the best of the best. While you may think no one can select exactly like you or how someone would know what to keep and what to toss out, we select from the client’s perspective, while still meeting your needs.
$.05/image viewed | $.04/image viewed for Premier Members

Sign up for A New Evolve Premier Account & Get 2 Months Free
A $498 value. New Accounts only. 2 Free months will be added to the end of an annual Premier commitment.